Friday, June 08, 2012

Soft Gadgets In Marigold Space

Although the universe appears to operate on very simple building blocks, once those blocks are put into place and other arbitraries are introduced, a universe can become extremely complex and solid-looking, like the universe we share now. When that happens, spiritual beings may become fixated in those universes like cameras anchored in a dense rain forest; the cameras are unable to perceive beyond the foliage immediately in front of them. After staring at the foliage for a long enough time, the cameras may begin to believe that they, too, are nothing but foliage and they forget that they are cameras. Salvation would come by restoring to those cameras their true self-identities and by giving them the ability to come and go from the rain forest at will.

Yesterday when I was looking around YouTube for a Danny Kaye clip from his film “The Court Jester” one of those clips contained associated links to some Vera-Ellen clips, even though Vera-Ellen wasn’t in “The Court Jester.” But she and Danny Kaye did other movies together, and fans often remember the two together.

This is a short clip of Vera-Ellen dancing from another Danny Kaye movie, “White Christmas.”

What a good camera that was that filmed that scene.

What a good yellow costume Vera-Ellen wore.

A camera is a gadget but is a dress
a gadget? Is a costume more of a gadget
because there’s a gadget taking pictures of it
than a dress or any other piece of clothing
we wear when a gadget’s not taking our picture?

I think this question itself might be a gadget
dancing around in front of me like a bee’s dance
tells another bee where the bee has found a flower.

Soft gadgets are some of the very best gadgets.

What a good camera that was that filmed that scene.

Cameras are hard metals and plastics and glass.

What a good yellow costume Vera-Ellen wore.

Soft gadgets are some of the very best gadgets.

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