Thursday, December 27, 2012

Fictional Characters Can Keep Trying

As the days tick away toward the new year
the days are never like a metronome
each day the same length rather as the Sun
sinks down to the Tropic of Capricorn
days get short and then as the Sun rises
to the Tropic of Cancer days get long
and I think it’s unfortunate music
these days is made to a computer beat
a refinement even to the clockwork
gears of a mechanical metronome
which would look on in wonder at crystals
vibrating millions of times per second
which must look on in wonder too themselves
at musicians trained and who’ve trained themselves
to keep time with those vibrating crystals.

I hate them. Metronomes, not musicians.

Suzanne Ciani switched to piano
after a lifetime of synthesizer.

Synthesizer fans seem to ignore that.

As the days tick away toward the new year
this is a picture of Miranda Tate
a fictional character looking on
as rabble stage a fist-fight in the street
but the fight will engulf and consume her.

I hate them. Metronomes, not musicians.

Soon there will be a new year. All those days.

Fictional characters can keep trying.

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