Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Shanghai Rain

I have thirteen cactus plants growing
in a planter on the table next to my bed.
They look like small, green, pointy versions
of all the skyscrapers in Shanghai
except they don’t have millions of people
going to work in them every day
and they don’t inspire everyone in the world
who is still inspired by steel and glass
rising up against the sky.
Cactus plants don’t need a lot of water.
Now and then I check the weather in Shanghai.
If it’s raining over there
I water my cactus plants over here.
There are almost twenty million people
living in Shanghai. It looks like the future.
It looks like the future and the world is watching.
I have thirteen cactus plants growing
in a planter on the table next to my bed.
They look like small, green, pointy versions
of all the skyscrapers in Shanghai.
I keep a close eye on them.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Five Songs: #3 – Shadows

Empty Lots

Adventure’s Waiting Just Ahead

In Shanghai We’re All Dramatic Chipmunks

Industrial Landscape, Industrial Decay, Jazz

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