Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Kings And Queens Of The Mixed Up Seas

If we can believe the possibly dubious but very well-made and entertaining movie “Anonymous,” possible real-life supervillain Robert Cecil, this guy, may have matched wits and competed ruthlessly against Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford, and completely defeated him and then at some point in history said something like this to the man who may have been the real-life Shakespeare, the Earl of Oxford, that guy down there:

“Why do you think he worked so hard to become your guardian after your father died? He had it all planned years in advance. He would teach you everything he knew about statecraft, marry his daughter to you, and, after Elizabeth's death, proclaim you
heir. His own grandchild to follow you on the throne. But he couldn't possibly predict what kind of failure you would become. How you would fail in politics, ignore your estates to the point of bankruptcy, all to write[Cecil sneers]poetry. You could have been a king, Edward. And your son after you. Except for the fact that you were, well, you.”

If history is what we make it, and there’s some evidence it is, then I’d make history arrange for possible real-life supervillain Robert Cecil, this guy, to match wits and compete ruthlessly against Britney Spears, pop star, and completely defeat her and then at some point in history say something like this to the woman who very probably isn’t the real-life Shakespeare, the pop star, that girl down there:

“Why do you think he worked so hard to become your guardian after your father died? He had it all planned years in advance. He would teach you everything he knew about statecraft, marry his son to you, and, after Elizabeth's death, proclaim you heir.
His own grandchild to follow you on the throne. But he couldn't possibly predict what kind of failure you would become. How you would fail in politics, ignore your estates to the point of bankruptcy, all to sing
[Cecil sneers] pop songs. You could have been a queen, Britney. And your daughter after you. Except for the fact that you were, well, you.”

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