Friday, September 07, 2012

When The Light Is All Reflections

The real, complete title of today’s post is:

When The Light Is All Reflections
There Are Shadows In Every Direction
Two Parts Full Of Speculation
About Companions And Jazz Creations


I said, “I’ve read that Doctor Who’s new companion might be a Dalek.”

She looked at me, then repeated what I’d said, but with a questioning tone to her voice. She said, enunciating all her words very carefully, “You’ve read that Doctor Who’s new companion might be a Dalek?”

“Oh, shut up,” I said. “You know, I could throw something at you.”

She made her eyes wide. She said, with a very innocent tone to her voice, “But if you throw something at me then I wouldn’t be able to discuss all the fascinating ramifications of Doctor Who’s new companion possibly being a Dalek.”

“Why don’t you just go to hell?” I said. “Right now. While I’m watching. Really. I mean, just go to hell.”

She started to look away from me, but then looked back. Her eyes were still wide. With a questioning tone to her voice, but without sounding so innocent, she asked, “Why don’t you take me? I mean, you have, what, a TARDIS, don’t you? Don’t you have, what, a Type 40 TARDIS? Aren’t they the cool, old ones? They can go anywhere, right? Why don’t you take me to hell? We can make a weekend out of it.”

I threw a piece of donut at her. It hit her chest and fell on the table. She picked up the piece of donut and ate it, then turned away from me and continued watering the flowers she’d bought at the garden shop this afternoon.

I’ve read that Doctor Who’s new companion might be a Dalek.

Imagine that.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Doctor Who: How will the writers solve
the problem of the Doctor’s new assistant?

at The Telegraph, 01 Sep 2012

TARDIS at Wikipedia

Dalek at Wikipedia


“Ah, That Renaissance Sunshine”


After closing time they switch off the lights
inside the garden shop but all around
the grounds streetlights and bright signs from nearby
glitter against the glass greenhouse buildings
and it’s not as bright as day but it’s bright.

Early in the evening squirrels hop the fence
and run around in all the reflections.

I’ve seen a fox and a possum nearby
and they might have stopped to visit the squirrels
because when the light is all reflections
there are shadows in every direction
and it’s hard to tell what you’re looking at
especially when you’re on the outside
of a greenhouse looking at the inside.

The squirrels climb up trees and then hop the fence.

At least that’s what they do when I’m looking.

I think the animals get in and out
using tricky ways the lights and shadows
don’t quite illuminate as reflections
and it’s hard to tell what you’re looking at
especially when you’re on the outside
of a greenhouse looking at the inside.

I appreciate the squirrels pretending.

I bet if I asked them to bring back jazz
they’d just laugh and ask, “Did it go away?”

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