Friday, August 24, 2012

The Occult Technology Of Guitars And Keyboards

Beethoven’s power to inspire is a matter of historical record. But to inspire what? In China, in the 1970s, his music was condemned for its representation (among other things) of “the decadent, chaotic life and depraved sentiments of the bourgeoisie.” Most western composers were vilified, but none as stridently as Beethoven. For none was more feared. No other had his power to excite, to uplift, to nourish the soul and embolden the spirit. No other so transcendently represented the triumph of the individual over seemingly insuperable odds.

Jeremy Siepmann
writing in Beethoven: His Life And Music

Gaia created a great sickle and gathered together Cronus and his brothers to convince them to castrate Uranus. Only Cronus was willing to do the deed, so Gaia gave him the sickle and placed him in a bush and in doing so he became the King of the Titans.

When Uranus met with Gaia, Cronus attacked Uranus and, with the sickle, cut off his genitals, casting them into the sea. As Uranus lay dying, he made a prophecy that Cronus' own children would rebel against his rule, just as Cronus had rebelled against his own father. Uranus' blood that had spilled upon the earth, gave rise to the Gigantes, Erinyes, and Meliae, and from his semen from his cut genitalia, Aphrodite arose from the sea:

" soon as he had cut off the members with flint and cast them from the land into the surging sea, they were swept away over the main a long time: and a white foam spread around them from the immortal flesh, and in it there grew a maiden..."

from Titanomachy at Wikipedia

In the traditional Judeo-Christian story of Noah and the Flood, when God so-to-speak “cut off” the generations of mankind by the Flood, the reproductive hopes of the human race were cast onto the surging waters of the Flood in the ark, eight humans, four men and four women.

Traditional Judeo-Christian readings of Scripture focus on the men, Noah and his three sons. But the book of Genesis says a little about the relationships of men and women in those days. Godly men, Scripture says, so-called “children of God,” took their wives from among the “children of men.” So while Noah and his sons believed in what Judeo-Christians call “the one true God,” the wives of Noah may have had other beliefs entirely.

Noah and his sons according to Scripture interpreted the Flood as God’s punishment of mankind, for in those days most men embraced the human-centric civilization established by Cain.

What did the wives think?

Did one or more of the women on the ark with Noah maintain her beliefs in the human-centric civilization? She would have regarded the Flood as wanton destruction, as the actions of a vicious, hateful god destroying good humans. She would have regarded that god as a god to be derided, a god to be fought against.

After the Flood, children would have heard two interpretations of their past. One from their fathers, another from one or more of their mothers.

The children who believed their mothers would have viewed their mothers as rebels. Those children would have seen their mothers as something like glorious rebels struggling against the vicious, hateful god who destroyed the great civilization mankind had struggled to achieve before the Flood, glorious rebels struggling against the complacent men who accepted the judgments and actions of that hateful god and even continued to worship that god.

A woman who had the character and fiery passion to rebel against all that, the insight and courage to persevere, to maintain her own beliefs about right and wrong and civilization itself, to keep her beliefs alive after the Flood and encourage those beliefs, watch them grow once more and struggle once more against the beliefs of the men around her—such a woman would be regarded herself as something like a goddess.

Who could not love such a woman?

The green witch said, “She’s in Los Angeles doing what you call villainy.”

I said, “It won’t be the same without her.”

The green witch smiled and asked, “If she were here, what do you think would be the same?”

I don’t understand—
Are guitars and pianos
more than instruments?

Some musicians think
there’s an entire orchestra
in a piano.

A folksinger strums
a guitar one musician
alone with music.

Is an orchestra
civilization itself
man making mankind?

When guitar players
play music alone is that
something more than man?

I don’t understand
civilization or God
but I like guitars.

I like gadgets and
the easy life they bring but
I love music more.

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