Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Machines Of Loving Grace

At the time, there was a general belief in the stability of natural systems. However cracks started to appear when a study was made of predator-prey relationship of wolf and elks. It was found that wild population swings had occurred over centuries. Other studies then found huge variations, and a significant lack of homeostasis in natural systems. George Van Dyne then tried to build a computer model, to try to simulate a complete ecosystem based on extensive real-world data, so as to show how the stability of natural systems actually worked. To his surprise the computer model did not stabilize like the Odums' electrical model had. The reason for this lack of stabilization was that he had used extensive data which more accurately reflected reality whereas the Odums and other previous ecologists had "ruthlessly simplified nature." The scientific idea had thus been shown to fail, but the popular idea remained, and even grew as it apparently offered the possibility of a new egalitarian world order.

from “All Watched Over
by Machines of Loving Grace”

not the poem by Richard Brautigan

but the 2011 BBC documentary series
by filmmaker Adam Curtis

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization
will hold a summit this weekend in Chicago.

I’m guessing already there are a lot of drones
flying over Chicago watching over us
giving us the benefit of their loving grace.

I’d feel safer if the sky above Chicago
was filled with Richard Brautigan poetry books
and they were flying around and sometimes falling
and hitting people on the head but books are light
so nobody would get hurt and when a book fell
and hit somebody on the head they would look down
and find a book of poetry on the sidewalk
and they could keep the book and continue reading
even when this weekend’s NATO summit is done.

Sort of like sombreros but without the fighting.

I don’t know. We had Richard Brautigan for real
and that didn’t stop today’s world from happening.

In today’s world books will not fall out of the sky
but they will materialize on a Kindle
and it is as if they’ve fallen out of the sky
but they don’t leave even a small bump on your head
and they don’t leave even a small book in your hand
just a change-of-state in a Kindle computer.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization
will hold a summit this weekend in Chicago.

I’m guessing already there are a lot of drones
flying over Chicago watching over us
giving us the benefit of their loving grace.

I don’t know. We had books and wars for real but now
they’re loving grace and electric sugar nightmares.

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