Tuesday, May 08, 2012

It Shall Be So Madness Must Unwatched Go

She frowned, and still frowning said, “Maybe hippie girls
were gentle and pretty. But gentle and pretty
hippie girls couldn’t make their world not disappear,
they couldn’t stop this world from replacing their world.”

“Well, Shakespeare,” I said, “wrote ‘Hamlet.’ That didn’t stop
his world from disappearing, or hold back this world.”

She frowned, and still frowning said, “So Ophelia
with her flowers and her songs and her total failure
at dealing with Hamlet’s erratic behavior
is sort of a prototypical hippie girl?
Answer madness with talk of flowers and singing songs
and die with the old world to make room for the new?”

“Gertrude,” I said, “married one king, and another,
and, too, Gertrude died to make room for the new world.
Answer madness with talk of flowers and singing songs.
Or sleep with a king and then sleep with another.”

She frowned, and still frowning said, “Sleeping with two kings
is better than—” she smiled “—sleeping with the fishes.”

“Summer flowers bloom,” I said, “but they don’t try to stop
winter snows from falling around them like a tomb.”

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Songs For Hippies Don’t Scare The Pigeons

Memory Studies As A Flourishing Field

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