Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Checking In On Disbelief And Recognition

Looking for all the world like an iconic Sandcrawler vessel from the Star Wars franchise, the Sandcrawler Building in Singapore, destined to be a future architectural landmark, will house LucasFilm's regional headquarters, a public podium and a hundred-seat theater.

Architectural tourists and Lucas fans will be thrilled to know that a large swathe of the building will be open to the public, such as the 24-hour public podium set on a granite base and surrounded by lush greenery, and the massive, state-of-the-art theater, which will be used to host film premieres and conferences.

In Singapore, George Lucas had someone
design and construct an office complex
that from the side looks like a Sandcrawler
from Episode Four of the Star Wars films.

Once I was checking in to a hotel
and I heard a voice across the lobby
yell over the business talk, “Hey, Star Wars!”

I couldn’t believe my ears but I thought
I recognized the voice. I turned around.
Somebody I knew was running over
to say a group of people were going
to a nearby neighborhood theater
to see Episode Four in re-release
and they knew I wouldn’t want to miss it.

I looked from my suitcase to the desk clerk.
She told me someone could take my suitcase
up to my room for me if I wanted
to go off right away and watch Star Wars.

In Singapore, George Lucas had someone
design and construct an office complex
that from the side looks like a Sandcrawler
from Episode Four of the Star Wars films.

Hardly a day goes by without something
happening where I don’t believe my ears
or I don’t believe my eyes. I seem to
move through these episodes of disbelief
without taking them to heart (or to mind)
and questioning the concept of belief.

If somebody looked at me from the side
I think I’d look like a badly written
movie character who ignores the plot
of the movie playing out around him.

Sometimes I get so lost in fantasy
when I look at the real world around me
I don’t believe I know what to believe.

In Singapore, George Lucas had someone
design and construct an office complex
that from the side looks like a Sandcrawler
from Episode Four of the Star Wars films.

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