Thursday, June 09, 2011

“A Little Bit Of A Storm”

We’re having a little bit of a storm here tonight. ... About the most interesting thing we’re likely to see around here will be some big branches cracked off trees tomorrow. That’s okay, that’s kind of interesting...

What was that I said last night?

The most interesting thing we’re likely to see would be some broken branches?

Oh boy!

That’s one of the main streets around here. The main streets are reasonably clear. But police are blocking off the side streets because as soon as you get off the main streets, all the side streets look like this:

The side streets around here are completely underwater! I’ve never seen anything like this before. I’ve seen sewers overflow. And I’ve seen sewers clog and cause the curb to flood. But all the side streets around here are completely underwater!

Bizarrely, everyone still has power. And buildings don’t seem to be flooding. But the streets are completely under water. I mean, look at this!

I talked to lots of people this morning. One woman who grew up around here said when she was a kid there was a flood as bad as this, but that was something like thirty years ago. I talked to a guy who just got back from driving around in his Jeep and he said he saw places where water was bubbling up through cracks in the street.

That’s my little silver car way in the upper right, under the tree. No big branches broke off and fell down on my car. But the waters rose up and now the water is just below the door level of the car.

I mentioned yesterday that we had “a little bit of a storm here.” I guess I jinxed us, by hoping to see something interesting. Because I sure got to see something I’ve never seen before. A suburb under water!

And it looks like more storms are just a few hours away!

I’m going to try to have a little film tomorrow. Puppets singing, puppets romancing, that kind of thing. I wrote a special song for it. But I have no idea if power will hold out or if I’ll have to turn my attention to other things—like trying not to drown and stuff!

I’m going to try to have a little film tomorrow.

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