Monday, January 24, 2011

Feral Kangaroos And Women

“Caroline Wozniacki's desperate attempt to reinvent herself took a bizarre twist yesterday with the world No. 1 being forced to recall the media to a second press conference to declare that she had not been mauled by a feral kangaroo. ...”

Open slather: Kangaroo cleared of wrong-doing
The Sidney Morning Herald, January 24, 2011

At U.S. Submarines we have developed the world's first personal luxury submarines, capable of taking you and your guests to unseen regions of the deep ocean in perfect comfort and absolute safety. And once there, you are able to view the fascinating denizens of the deep through large, panoramic viewports, while relaxing in an interior replete with luxury and warmth.

Powered on the surface by twin turbocharged marine diesels, all of our luxury submarine models, with the exception of the small Triton 650, have extended surface range and are capable of diving to 305 meters (1000'). Bad weather? Simply close the hatch and dive, cruising effortlessly far below the waves in air conditioned comfort. The submarines' battery capacity and life support systems allow you to stay submerged for days at a time.

I used to think it would be a romantic trip
to fall in love, buy a small boat, sail off to sea—
blue water, blue sky and a woman holding me.
I’d pour German wine in paper cups and we’d sip.

Then the odd color oil bubbled out of the rip
in the Gulf of Mexico and my fantasy
woman, too, became odd fiction like a crazy
woman tennis player and her kangaroo quip.

Now that women are as wrecked as ocean water
I’m thinking a boat, even a big boat, won’t do.
I’m thinking a submarine can sink through the gunk—

a craft that can falter as my spirits falter.
As feral women explain to the press what’s true,
I want to sink. Just like they say Atlantis sunk.

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