Thursday, October 21, 2010


Today’s post is one of those topics that I don’t have much to say about today, but at some point in the future I may want to talk about this some more so I want to just get the topic started.


A few days ago I was trying to remember the name of an oddball Canadian guy. I couldn’t think of his name so I opened up a Google search and typed the keywords:

        canadian eccentric crackpot inventor

And don’t you know the results got the guy I was looking for just a few entries down from the top. There he was, John Hutchison. I recreated the search today to make sure it still works and it does:

Maybe I’m too modern for my own good, but I think I would be really proud if a “crackpot inventor” search pulled up my name near the top of the results. I mean, just think about how many “crackpots” Google must have indexed. And Hutchison comes out fourth from the top. That’s pretty cool!

Here’s John Hutchison at Wikipedia.

John Hutchison is an interesting guy. I don’t think he has any real qualifications for anything. But over the years he has been studied by scientists from colleges, corporations and governments. So far as I know, all of the evaluations of Hutchison come to similar conclusions: He can demonstrate bizarre, almost unthinkable effects but he has absolutely no control over his demonstrations and they are completely unrepeatable and cannot be reproduced by anybody else. I’ve never heard or read of anyone calling him an outright fraud but I’ve never heard or read of anyone continuing to study him or his work once they decide that his demonstrations are almost totally random events that—they decide—he has no control over and no understanding of.

John Hutchison is something like a real-life version of a Medieval alchemist. He does wildly weird things, he has wildly weird theories about how he does it, but when anybody actually looks closely he can’t duplicate his effects on demand and he can’t create a procedure that allows anyone else to do what he does.

But it is very interesting that just about everybody who studies him eventually sees something happen that appears to be what a reasonable person would call “magic.” Heavy objects levitate. Solid objects pass through other solid objects. Things become invisible.

I’ve never heard or read anybody say Hutchison is a fraud and I’ve never heard or read anybody say his demonstrations don’t really happen. Everyone just agrees that he can’t duplicate these effects on demand and he has no idea at all how he causes these things to happen.


John Hutchison, however, has been getting some attention from a wider audience recently.

Dr. Judy Wood, a so-called “9/11 Truther,” has noticed that many of the after-effects of the attack on the World Trade Center seem to resemble after-effects from a successful Hutchison demonstration.

Dr. Wood suspects—as do a good many others—that perhaps one or another group of people who have studied Hutchison over the years has gone on to figure out the physics behind the bizarre effects Hutchison demonstrated. These people, perhaps, have figured out how to control and reproduce the physics and have built applications of the physics in the weapons arena.



I’ve been interested in John Hutchison for many years. I’m not particularly interested in the specific physics of his demonstrations. I’m more interested, simply, in the blunt reality that what most people would call “magic” can happen, has been observed to happen by many people and continues to happen.

Magic really can happen.

Maybe some “impossible” kisses aren’t really impossible after all.


  1. Hi there,

    An interesting post mentioning John Hutchison and 9/11 - a rare thing indeed! So thanks for posting this!

    However, you said Dr Judy Wood is "a so called 9/11 truther" well, that phrase has taken on something of a double-meaning now (see for the background). What is more important (and accurate) to point out is that with very little help from anyone in the "9/11 Truth Movement", she sued Military Industrial Complex contractors for fraud:

    Also, Hutchison did, in later years reproduce his effects much more regularly - it's Wikipedia and other sites which continue to pretend he was never able to do this.

    You can find more audio, documents and video linked at:

    All the best


  2. Dr. Judy Wood is not a "so-called 9/11 truther." Dr. Judy Wood is a scientist. Also, you are incorrect in stating, "Dr. Wood suspects—as do a good many others—that perhaps one or another group of people who have studied Hutchison over the years has gone on to figure out the physics behind the bizarre effects Hutchison demonstrated." Do you believe yourself to be clairvoyant enough to *know* just what Dr. Wood is thinking? If so, you are wrong. Dr. Wood has noted that this is not new technology, but old technology. Dr. Wood has noted that John Hutchison has replicated the work of Nikola Tesla from about 100 years ago. The value of John Hutchison's work is that it is in the public domain and is currenly being demonstrated. By the way, John Hutchison can reproduce the effects. Perhaps his detractors promote the myth that he cannot reproduce it to deter others from trying to replicate it. Here are two very interesting videos:

    The Hutchison Effect - Iron Bar Warping (Recent Experiment):

    Boyd Bushman, a Senior Scientist of Lockheed Martin, on The Hutchison Effect:

    Thanks for discussing this important topic, I just wanted to clarify some things I felt you were not being fair about.


    Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez
    M2 Medical Student
    B.S. Biology / Neurobiology
