Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Equally And As Hopelessly Lost

“Men find it more difficult than women to be alone.”

from Pattie Boyd,
“What I know about men”

The Guardian biography of Pattie is:

Pattie Boyd 64,
rock star wife and photographer,
married twice, now single

Pattie Boyd’s Website


The Good Old Days—Umm, Yeah...

Less distant than Atlantis, there’s a past
where rock stars bought their wife a camera
and she would become a photographer
and have shows and collect her photographs
into books and rock stars like McCartney
would put his wife’s work on album covers.

I’ve never wanted to be a rock star.

I’ve always wanted to be a writer.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a woman
who is more beautiful than Pattie Boyd.

I don’t believe it’s the rock star wife thing,
the beauty, it’s the photographer thing.

In the modern world do women aspire
to be rock star wives and photographers?

I know they still want the rock star wife thing.

In the modern world I don’t think women
want to be photographers any more.

Less distant than Atlantis, it’s beauty
that’s equally and as hopelessly lost.

But men, rock stars, writers and just plain men,
still find it difficult to be alone.

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