Wednesday, July 08, 2009

The End Of A Walter Becker Romance

This was Nicole Bobek:

She was born in 1977 and in 1995 she was the US Champion figure skater. She won the bronze medal at the Olympics that year. A web site evaluated her personality like this:

Open and generous, Nicole Bobek enjoys a wide circle of friends and acquaintances and she thrives on sociability and fellowship. She is adventurous, playful, freedom loving, and always ready for a good time. Bobek rarely allows obstacles or difficulties to keep her down, for no matter how bleak the past or present, Nicole always expects a better, brighter future.

This is now Nicole Bobek:

This is her mug shot from her recent arrest as part of some meth distribution ring.

The world certainly owes this woman—who was never given a chance to be a child—an apology.

She almost certainly will never hear an apology from anyone let alone the world. And since she never had a chance to grow into being human, she probably wouldn’t understand an apology even if she heard one.


Addictions are hard on human beings. They’re harder on people who never have had the chance to quite become fully human. All addictions. Any addictions. It is endless grief and horror.

The fallout pattern from the grief and horror spreads out from the center focus in a circular pattern. When a disturbance propagates outward in a circular manner from a center focus, engineers and others sometimes refer to that as ‘sombrero’ fallout because of its circular nature.

Jazz musicians, even pop jazz musicians, get to write about stuff Disney girls never would be allowed to sing about.

This is a Walter Becker song about love and addiction:

In the good old bad part of this college town
Men in business suits they run you down
You take their money just like you take mine
You send it bubbling down the thin blue line
It doesn't matter how it got this way
'Cause we could make it through this thing together
I know you're laughing but I got to say
Now I still want you maybe more than ever

No fooling it's a fucked up world
So be cool my little junkie girl

The cops are out to shut the district down
I comb the ruins of your stomping grounds
Stanyan Street looking like that third world war
You come up blazing like an open sore
Now I believe you but I got to know
How come the right side of your brain is hurting
So take me with you baby when you go
Through to the white side of your China curtain

No fooling it's a fucked up world
So be cool my little junkie girl

In the good old bad part of this college town
Men in grey limousines will drive you down
You take their money just like you take mine
Where does it get you on that thin blue line
Now I can hardly hear you anymore
Your eyes are empty and your voice is hollow
I see you waving from a distant shore
And where you're going I don't dare to follow

No fooling that's another world
Good luck my little junkie girl

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