Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wrinkled, Lined And Flabby (Reprise)

Back when I used to visit my Dad and my Mom in the hospital, I often noticed that a great many of the patients admitted to the hospitals were either old people or fat people.

It seems then, at least anecdotally, that two key methods for avoiding serious illness are: 1) Don’t get fat; and 2) Don’t get old.

Both methods are difficult, but one is harder than the other.


Incidentally, at the hospitals I don’t remember ever seeing a patient who was fat and old. Logically, it seems then that either fat old people are extraordinarily healthy or fat people have worked out a sure fire way of not getting old: they die young.


My favorite book about not getting old is:

Zone Diet site


Let’s all be eternally free and eternally young.   Oooh . . .

Standing tough under stars and stripes
We can tell
This dream's in sight
You've got to admit it
At this point in time that it's clear
The future looks bright

On that train all graphite and glitter
Undersea by rail
Ninety minutes from New York to Paris
Well by seventy-six we'll be A.O.K.

What a beautiful world this will be
What a glorious time to be free

Get your ticket to that wheel in space
While there's time
The fix is in
You'll be a witness to that game of chance in the sky
You know we've got to win

Here at home we'll play in the city
Powered by the sun
Perfect weather for a streamlined world
There'll be spandex jackets one for everyone

What a beautiful world this will be
What a glorious time to be free

On that train all graphite and glitter
Undersea by rail
Ninety minutes from New York to Paris
More leisure time for artists everywhere

A just machine to make big decisions
Programmed by fellows with compassion and vision
We'll be clean when their work is done
We'll be eternally free yes and eternally young
Oooh . . .

What a beautiful world this will be
What a glorious time to be free

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