Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A Short Ode To A Quick Sketch

Oh drawing of Lindsay Lohan
I’m going to do things to you.

Maybe I will apply oil paint
directly onto you without
treating your paper first. Although
I have clear acrylic gesso
I don’t like using it because
water-based goo would make you warp.

Or maybe I’ll use oil pastels.
I like oil pastels. They’re tactile.
I can stroke-in an area
of value, color and texture
and if I go too far pull back
by scrapping off stuff with a blade.

Or I have erasable pens
in three colors, red, blue and black.
Their line quality is rough but
they erase cleanly for fixes.
I may use them and a crow quill
to draw cool lines on top of them.

Oh drawing of Lindsay Lohan
I’m going to do things to you.

I think about another you.
I suspect I enjoy talking
to you more than I would enjoy
having speaks with the real Lindsay.
The real Lindsay. I wonder, too,
if you’re more fun to do things to?

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