Friday, April 04, 2008

Rocks And Mirrors: Scenes That Never Return

I don’t know how they’re made now, but years back
a kaleidoscope was made with mirrors
and colored rocks arranged inside a tube.

When you rotated the tube the rocks fell
into colorful, random positions
and segments of mirror in a circle
made tricky scenes when you looked through the tube.

All of the scenes inside the tube were real
but any movement of the tube changed them
so you never could know what you would see.

And you couldn’t show someone what you saw
because the slightest movement changed the scene
so nobody else could see what you saw.

All of the scenes inside the tube were real.
All of the scenes were unique, interesting.
The scenes once observed, changed, never returned.
The scenes in the tube could be hypnotic.
Sometimes it could be hard to look away.
Sometimes you wanted to see more, more, more . . .

All of the scenes inside the tube were real.
The scenes inside the tube were never lies.

They were pretty rocks doing what rocks do,
shiny mirrors doing what mirrors do.

And everything you saw would go away
at the slightest movement, the slightest touch.

Kaleidoscopes. Sometimes you want to see
more, more, more of scenes that never return.

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