Friday, April 18, 2008

If Beethoven Were A Fish

If Beethoven were a fish
and he lived in a fishbowl
would he play a piano
in a ceramic castle
by a plant in the gravel
at the bottom of the bowl?

If Beethoven were a cloud
drifting right above my house
would the thunder make music
and would I stop and listen
to the rumbling melody
the cloud was playing for me?

If Beethoven were my heart
would you lean against my chest,
press your ear against my skin,
and listen to the rhythm
of the symphony my blood
pumping through me played for you?

If Beethoven were us both
would our comings and goings,
our meeting and not meeting,
be the music he composed,
would we know we were dancing
to music he played for us?

If Beethoven were a fish
and he lived in a fishbowl
would he play a piano
in a ceramic castle
by a plant in the gravel
at the bottom of the bowl?

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