Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Has Science Proven That The Earth Is Stationary?

Maybe the most startling (and amusing) claim of the believers in a geocentric cosmos (geocentrics? geo-eccentrics?) is that “mainstream” science itself has already proven that the Earth doesn’t move. (For instance, at GEOCENTRICITY AND CREATION.)

They mean the Michelson-Morley experiment!

This experiment is so well-known that there is a Michelson-Morley Experiment Wiki Page, so I’m not going to review the details of the experiment here. But I do want to discuss some of that experiment’s assumptions because looking at the experiment backwards—the way geocentrics do!—is an example of the intriguing logic and creativity kooks employ to further their beliefs.

It’s not crazy, it’s just weird!

The designers of the Michelson-Morley experiment wanted to test for the existence of the “aether.”

In the 19th century scientists believed that throughout space and even permeating our atmosphere was a mysterious, ephemeral fluid-like substance called the “aether.”

Because this belief was built on a “common sense” metaphor, it has never really gone out of fashion with people who rebel from Establishment beliefs.

In a nutshell, the thinking goes like this: Ocean waves manifest in a medium called water. Sound waves manifest in a medium called air. Light waves, therefore, must manifest in a medium of their own since we know light waves travel through outer space and there is no air or water in outer space. Scientists called this proposed medium for light the “aether.”

The designers of the Michelson-Morley experiment accepted axiomatically the belief that the Earth moved around the Sun and attempted to use the Earth’s motion to prove or disprove the existence of the aether. They designed equipment to measure the compression and attenuation of the aether which would occur ahead of the Earth and behind the Earth as the Earth moved around the Sun.

The Michelson-Morley experiment didn’t find any compression or attenuation of the aether and that was pretty much the beginning of the end for belief in the aether. The motion of the Earth was the key factor in disproving the existence of the aether. Of course, disproving the aether has created the need for all manner of modern theories to explain how light propagates without a medium. Instead of common sense metaphors we now have relativity and the whole quantum mess and beyond...

Geocentrics reverse the logic of mainstream science and say, well, if you accept axiomatically (based on the buttoned-down logic of the metaphors of known wave propagation) the existence of the aether then since the Michelson-Morley experiment didn’t find any compression or attenuation of the aether, that proves the Earth is not moving! It also spares physicists from having to create convoluted and counter-intuitive mechanisms for the propagation of light since the aether is still accepted.



  1. Ummm...

    Last article you shared this with us:

    "...All the stars and planets and people are just a minor frosting on the true elements of the universe: dark matter and dark energy."

    In this article you shared this with us:

    "..The Michelson-Morley experiment didn’t find any compression or attenuation of the aether and that was pretty much the beginning of the end for belief in the aether. The motion of the Earth was the key factor in disproving the existence of the aether. Of course, disproving the aether has created the need for all manner of modern theories to explain how light propagates without a medium. Instead of common sense metaphors we now have relativity and the whole quantum mess and beyond..."

    Well if most of the universe is dark matter and energy (all stuff that has yet to be detected, and is only theorized to exist), wouldn't you say that cosmology has just brought back the aether!!!!!!!!!!! (BTW If you cannot see the irony in this I suggest you step back for a year or two andstudy physics/cosmology, etc. some more before proceeding to discredit geocentrism).

    Why don't you open your mind a little. Read the bood Galileo Was Wrong by Dr. Robert Sungenis and Dr. Robert Bennett. You are oversimplifying things and contradicting yourself at the same time.


    Michelson Morley were not trying to prove/disprove the existence of the aether- they assumed it. They were only trying to validate the motion of the earth (which failed). Later, scientists (esp. Einstein) declared the aether unecassary (Einstein claimed it was needed again 20-30 years later).

    Scientists explained the MM experiment away (esp./ Lorentz and Fizgerald) by stating that the apparatus they used shrunk just enough in the direction of the earth's motion to mask the reading. Talk about a tautology.


    Encyclopedia Britannica offers NO PROOF for a rotating earth!!
    Many people consider the Encyclopedia Britannica the FINAL AUTHORITY on all scientific matters. No publication is as anxious to see the earth moving as the Rockefeller owned Britannica. So we won't be amiss if we consult this final authority on heliocentricity and see their PROOFS for the moving earth. Here is a quote from the New Encyclopedia Britannica:
    "Basic planetary data. The mean distance of Earth from the Sun is about 149,600,000 km (92,960,000 miles). The planet orbits the Sun at a speed of 29.8 km (18.5 miles) per second, making one complete revolution in 365.256 days. As it revolves around the Sun, Earth spins on its axis and rotates completely once every 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds." (New Encyclopedia Britannica, vol. 4, p. 320). You can search all 29 volumes of this final authority but you will look in vain for any PROOF for this revolution of the earth around the sun and its spinning on its axis every 24 hours. It is simply stated as DOGMA and to doubt is to be damned to a spinning hell forever by the "scientific" community.
    The one proof they do offer is that the earth has a BULGE at the equator which they claim is caused by the earth spinning around for BILLIONS of years. Here is another quote from the final authority:
    "The centrifugal force of Earth's rotation makes the planet bulge at the Equator. Because of this, Earth has the shape of an oblate spheroid, being flatter near the poles than near the Equator. Correspondingly, one degree of latitude is longer in high latitudes than it is in low ones." (Britannica vol. 4, p. 320).
    Ordinary mortals cannot see this bulge however as it is visible only to the editors of the Britannica articles.
    The sun orbits the earth every 24 hours.
    The sun orbits the earth every 24 hours. According to the Book of Genesis, the sun was not created until the 4th day. The earth was created FIRST and is the center of the universe. Hundreds of verses refer to the sun as RISING and SETTING every day while not ONE verse ever refers to the earth as MOVING:
    "The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose. (Ecclesiastes 1:5). "The mighty God, even the LORD, hath spoken, and called the earth from the rising of the sun unto the going down thereof (Psalm 50:1). Heliocentric "astronomers" greatly exaggerate the size of the solar system and the universe. They make the universe so big that it cannot possible orbit the earth in 24 hours. Take the sun for example, the ancient Greeks said that the sun was only about 3.000.000 miles (4.828.032 km) from the earth. This was the number given by Ptolemy and the great Arab astronomer al-Battani. Even Copernicus in his book On the revolutions of the heavenly spheres gives the number at about 3.000.000 miles. The rotating earth people stuck a 9 in front of the 3 and with this mathematical sleight of hand we have a sun whose distance from the earth is exaggerated 30 times!!
